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Dasvidaniya, Halloween

12 Nov

Unfortunately, this was not our first postgrad Halloween. Old. So old. Shit, we are old. It was, however, Frances and Tricia’s first Halloween together in more than five years (holy shit). Add Stephanie and Steph into the equation and, well, cue hangover.

Rewind to a few weeks ago when we had no plans for Halloween, no costumes, and Tricia was “boycotting” the holiday. Frances, being the genius that she is, came up with the brilliant idea of doing a group costume of matryoshka dolls, and our plans fell together relatively quickly. Because we are almost perfectly equidistant to each other in terms of height, with Frances pulling a strong lead over lil’ Stephanie and Tricia in the middle, the idea worked perfectly. We picked out the perfect fabric to make our costumes and slaved over sewing them by hand (despite the presence of a perfectly functional sewing machine SMH), bought matching dresses (on sale yabish), all with days (one day) to spare before the main event. What better place to display our handiwork than at The Witches Ball at the Hotel Lafayette? Stephanie, Becca, and Frances went to the same shindig last year and had pretty good and creepy things to say about the night, but this year was promised to be bigger and better than the first.

The rest of our costume was left in the hands of Mommy Tran the night of, who did a pretty fantastic job with our makeup. Our costumes came together quite well, despite a number of people asking what we were supposed to be………………….



We ventured over to the Lafayette early to have a few drinx at the new apartment of (ayyyyy) Szy, which we are all extremely jealous of.


Frances ❤ Tricia


Rare size order pic

1454977_10201058616611646_1147764170_n 1393870_10201058636812151_9643737_n

AYYY szy

AYYY szy


A few drinks turned into a copious amount of drinks, and the next thing we knew we were crawling out of coffins and storming the stage with monsters at the Hotel downstairs with strangers. Really though, why are there so many pictures of Tricia with strangers?

Tricia and Strangers pt 2

Stage life


Strangers and Tricia…


Tricia and Strangers….


We wreaked havoc on the party and made great impressions to all who we encountered. Storming the stage may have been the highlight, but camping out in the hallway outside of Szy’s apartment for almost an hour comes in at a close second.

All downhill from here...

All downhill from here…

I would love to provide you all with more details, but unfortunately those are strictly confidential and have a very unlikely chance of being revealed any time soon. What I can tell you: we walked to Chippewa (freezing cold, feet bleeding, no sense of direction) and mistook the line outside of Noir (that went out the door and down the block) for the line outside of Jim’s Steakout. Tears may or may not have been shed. Have no fear, we got our Jim’s in a speedy manner and walked back to the car where we so gracefully ate in warmth and then ran home for cover.


Happy November!

The Freakin’ Weekend

8 Oct

Now that yagirls have reclaimed their weekends after a month of that 9am-6pm Sat/Sun grind, Stephanie and I decided to grace the ex-Buffalonians of NYC with our presence while Frances continued to die of the plague in B-Lo. First weekend back in action after a not-so-brief hiatus made up for being locked in a hotel conference room dungeon for the entirety of September (weekends…).

We ventured to the Exchange St. Amtrak Station in downtown Buffalo on Friday and collectively killed ourselves due to the overwhelming odor of (BO) Subway, and then killed our fellow passengers via death stare (typical). Our train ride started off pretty rough when we realized we had no Wi-Fi in our car, and then we got stuck behind a freight train and took 2+ hours to get to Rochester (umm) so that was fun. Things got slightly better once we befriended the man in the cafe cart who provided us with sustenance (wine + cheese duh) to cure our boredom.


thank you sir for the cups but those will not be needed

Things took a drastic turn for the worse when one of our fellow Wi-Fi-less passengers collapsed in the aisle a few rows in front of us and starting having a seizure. In usual idiot fashion everybody on the train just looked around at each other as if someone would magically cure this man/boy through their gazes, so ibbles saved the day (and by “saved the day” I mean got the dumbass Amtrak worker who proceeded to do nothing but thankfully this man/boy is okay) but could not spare the delay of our train’s arrival.

When we finally got to Penn Station, Drawde attempted to greet us with his to-go cup of beer in hand, but instead Stephanie and I walked in circles trying to find him while he was running around trying to find us on the floor below. SMH. Emily and Sam met us literally seconds after Teddy and we chilled out with some brews for a breather before trekking to Ian’s apartment.

Well, Teddy got a McDouble on the way and we drank a lot of delicious whiskey and that bitch took a long ass nap on Ian’s couch, and then before we knew it it was 5am and this was our view:


goodnight drawde

And then we ate frozen pizza and chugged Gatorade and went to bed after the sun was up. Rise ‘n shine on Saturday, Sam and Emily made us breakfast (thxbabs), and just a few hours later the DDD was back in action.


Continued the drinking for several hours and then chowed down on some pretty nasty Peruvian food. At least the plantain chips were good? And the ceiling was pretty cool…


And then we stopped to get ice cream which I have been told was the best ice cream ever eaten, and I am still kicking myself for not partaking in this amazingness. I did, however, sample the watermelon black pepper sorbet and it was seriously bangin’.


….and then I saw Kevin and Ross for the first time in over a year and died a little (a lot) on the inside (and the outside). We continued to drink on their sweet patio and then Grammy Emily fell asleep (and so did Stephanie) so we left and Ian ran away from us and then we got Popeyes because…..Popeyes.


hi kevin



On Sunday we went to the Williamsburg Flea Market which could have been really dangerous if I wasn’t so poor. We did get some scrumptious bubble tea, though.


Then we walked to what we thought was Joey’s apartment but had some technical difficulties and actually ended up 2 miles away in the middle of some kind of Polish celebration involving a man being pulled behind a car on a motor boat with Polish flags everywhere. We eventually made it to Joey’s for a brief visit before going back to Emily’s to pack and leave. 😦

We just barely made our bus because we stopped to get food and the man behind the counter was quite possibly the slowest human being in the entire city of New York. But we made it and eventually (unfortunately) got back to Buffalo at 4am and the end.

Thanks for being a great hostess Emily 😉

IN OTHER NEWS Kaitlin and Frances and Tricia have officially graduated from our class and are now certified to teach English as a foreign language YABISH! Yayyyy, look out world!



Food Truck Tuesdays

12 Sep

Buffalo, despite what all of you out-of-towners tend to believe, is awesome. Two weeks ago I finally went to Larkinville on a Tuesday evening for Food Truck Happy Hour, and as soon as I got there I immediately regretted not having been sooner.

I am an avid follower, both on Twitter and in real life, of Lloyd’s Taco Truck. I obsessively check twitter in hopes that a delicious chicken burrito is within a stone’s throw (let’s pretend that I didn’t follow Lloyd on twitter for 3 months before I had even tried it, creepily plotting my first bite). I’ve also seen Frank’s Gourmet Hotdog truck around Elmwood, and a couple other trucks in Allentown in the wee hours of the morning, but I was shocked when I got to Larkinville a couple weeks ago and saw just how many food trucks were there….food heaven.

Hello Larkinville!

Hello Larkinville!

Nestled in I-don’t-even-know-where, some oasis between Downtown and South Buffalo, the atmosphere in Larkinville is something you all need to check out. There are Adirondack chairs set out, a huge bar serving #buffalobeerzonly (Rusty Chain and Labatt Blue on tap doodz) and wine, a huge covered patio with couches and tables, and of course…food trucks.

photo (5)

Let me lay out some of the delicious options for you:

-Lloyd’s Taco Truck
-Franks Hot Dog (and by hot dog, I mean HOT DOG) Truck
-a Thai truck (complete with Thai iced tea whaddup)
-a Grilled Cheese truck
-a Mac and Cheese truck
-the Knight Slider truck (sliders…obviously)
-a Souvlaki truck
-a Beef-on-Weck truck
-the Black Market Food Truck (delicious food of all sorts of kinds…and they wear black gloves)
-a Coffee Truck (be still my beating heart)
-an Arepa Truck
-a truck that serves ALLIGATOR
-a Sandwich truck
-a Panini truck
-Amy’s place has a truck

…I could go on forever, and am definitely forgetting a ton of the options…but you get the picture, there’s a LOT of really good food.

Needless to say, I couldn’t stay away, so I dragged Yabish, Stephanie, and Steph (a new Buffalonian!!!!) down to Larkinville this week! After weighing our options (trust me, it’s hard), Steph (x2) and I opted for the Knight Slider truck. Tricia wasn’t hungry because she is a noob….her loss.

photo (3)

I got a slider with fried onions, chipotle sauce, and cheese and Truffle Fries…it was delicious. There were scallop and kimchi sliders, plain old cheeseburger sliders, goat-cheese sliders…you name it. #cheeseburgerheaven.



photo (1)

photo (2)

A band serenaded us as we chowed down with Don and friends, and we went home full and hungry to our beds at 8:00…..grandma status……

GOOD NEWS per the friendly Lloyd employee: Food Truck Tuesdays is going on through late October so do yaselves a solid and get down there. Every Tuesday from 5-8 pm in Larkin Square (drive to Chef’s restaurant on Seneca street and keep going away from the arena)…I promise you it will be worth it.



In other news, Yabish, Kaitlin, and myself are officially going “back to school” starting this weekend….well, not really back to school, but getting certified to teach English abroad. PLZ send prayers that our brains will still work after a year and a half of hibernation.

A weekend in (Sh)Ithaca

9 Sep

This weekend, we were presented with the rare opportunity to go out of town for free. Naturally we jumped on the offer and headed off to Ithaca with Don and Martha for a weekend of free drinks and debauchery. We (Frances) worked extra hard to take pictures to enhance this blog post…gettin’ back in the game! Romantic getaway hannnn.

Don and Martha went to Cornell for “Fredfest”, a conference to honor one of their (and Francine’s) old professors… A gathering of the world’s biggest nerds (and smartest people)! Classic Classics (Dept).

Friday evening we arrived at the lovely Holiday Inn of Ithaca, and quickly headed off to Madeline’s for (free) cocktails…thank you Cornell.

photo (9)

Cecelia met us there and when we had polished off our second round of drinks (and were almost left with the bill) we went over to MAXIE’S (Frances’ favorite restaurant) for some good ass southern food and drink. If you ever go, be sure to try the Fried Green Tomatoes.

Trish ponders the menu

Trish ponders the menu




Too tired to go out (ups…postgrad problems), we went back to our room where we discovered that our remote AND PHONE didn’t work so we went down to the front desk and got a friendly employee to help us out…

thx dood

thx dood

Saturday morning we woke up BRIGHT AND EARLY! and needed some serious exercise to (unsuccessfully) work off the food we ate on Friday, so we walked to the Ithaca Farmer’s Market and looked around. We eventually decided to get breakfast burritos-a great decision.


gimme that apron

gimme that apron

fresh squeezed juice yes plz

fresh squeezed juice yes plz




We slowly wandered back downtown and visited CC at work. Then we went up the hill to Cornell and met ERIC BLAIR (hi!) for coffee at our old stomping ground…Libe Cafe. The three of us went to look at the best view on campus (behind Uris Library, obviously) and YaBish took some great panorama shotz…

ups sry rookie panoramic taker (hey fam)

ups sry rookie panoramic taker (hey fam)



After a brief nap (I wish), it was time for dinner. CC picked us up and we drove up to Agava for some margaritas, mojitos, and good food.





Hey Trish

Hey Trish

Determined to make the most of our night, we headed to Collegetown and proceeded to barhop until last call. Your friendly neighborhood bloggers may have had a bit much to drink, but it was worth it. 2turnt off of 2many $2 tequila shots (but actually TOO many smdh) (and free champagne) (what’s up ladiez nite).

photo (14)


Thatcher came too!

Thatcher came too!

not amused

not amused



photo (13)

...not looking our best

…not looking our best

We somehow made it home into our beds, and passed the F out. We woke up at 11 (and our room was so dark that we were shocked/bemused to find out that it wasn’t earlier) and pulled our hung-over selves out of bed because Sunday was the most exciting day of the year (minus a few other days)….THE BILLS SEASON OPENER! We bravely checked out of our hotel and went outside to face the day (after buying Advil from the hotel vending machine) (that was so clutch).

4 advil please

4 advil please

We made our way to the Ithaca Ale House, where we were joined by Caroline at the bar to watch the game. We (of course) made best friends with the bartender, who was also a Bills fan, and enjoyed an afternoon of food and (free) drinks. Shouts to Brian, who stole Tricia’s heart by making her a complimentary peach ciroc and red bull (be still my beating heart) to cure her nasty hangover. If you’re ever tryna holler at ya girl, that’s the way to do it (for future reference dudez). Of course the afternoon was ruined when the Bills, who were leading the Patriots for much of the game, lost…in typical Bills fashion…in the last two minutes of the game. O well…we’ll get em next time.



Hair of the Dog!!!!!!!

Hair of the Dog!!!!!!!



IMG_3856DEJECTED, your friendly bloggers got in the car and headed to Seneca Falls for a cocktail party at Fred’s house. Our journey (of course, since we were in the car with Don and Martha) was not without detours. We stopped at Taughannock Falls to snap some quick pix of the Falls….


ya girls at the falls


Then found ourselves in Montezuma Nature Preserve to snap some more pix…. Why? No clue.


Finally, we made it to Fred’s house, where we chowed down on delicious food and tried not to look TOO out of place amongst a crowd of people, the majority of whom were at least 3 times our age. Mostly we just sat in a corner and ate cheese and took pictures of the fish.

pimp my ride

pimp my ride

MTV Cribs

MTV Cribs

Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo

We left at 9 and are back in beautiful Buffalo and exxxxhausted. Time to OD on expired Benadryl and sleep for the next 16 hours!

We leave you with this video. How many famous rappers can YOU spot? (No that’s not Rick Ross)

Summer 2k13 Recap

31 Aug

As much as it pains me to say it, summer has pretty much come to an end. Since we are no longer the vibrant, youthful college students we once were, and aren’t going back to school this year (for the SECOND year in a row? Wat?), our collective state of well-being over here at Notorious BABs is pretty SHITTY, to put it nicely.

Instead of dumping a ton of college nostalgia on all y’all, we will dump a ton of photos on all y’all. A recap of sorts from throughout the summer that explains just how exciting (and ratchet) our lives are. First summer together in Buffalo in a few years…nothing’s changed. Feel free to live vicariously through us, I know I sure as hell would if I wasn’t already #livingthedream (ha).

It all started with celebrating the birth of our beloved Frances in mid-May, when it was finally warm enough in this godforsaken city for us to bare our forearms.


theme of summer 2k13: tequila shots

An evening which concluded in eating #streetmeat of the hot dog variety on the sidewalk outside of DBGB. Photographic evidence of this does indeed exist but I will refrain from sharing those images with the World Wide Web.

We also did some heavy lifting.

ImageWitnessed Stephanie’s bartending debut.

ImageTook Letchworth by the horns (bunheads?).


Dear Pibble came for a visit.


so sophisticated

So we celebrated. At a Bison’s game?



And by drinking margaritas, obviously.

Image…and then this happened…


(no this is neither of our phones)

Too soon? Prolly.

We even went on some exotic and exciting getaways to foreign countries (country) this summer.



Somewhere in America Canada, Notorious BABs are still twerking.


or laughing from twerking too hard

Then our friend count quickly diminished with the departure of Emily, who left her Ibble counterparts for NYC in the middle of August.

ImageBut our grieving period was brief because these two BABs took on Syracuse with Kait for the weekend (and one night of debauchery).

ImageOne (of few) exciting part of the summer coming to a close is the BEGINNING OF AUTUMN the best season of the year. Well with Fall comes football and you bet ya girlz went to the first preseason Bills game.



Tailgated with new friends.





AND we actually won!


And then before we knew it, it was Ya Bish Trish’s birthday, which usually marks the ceremonious end of summer. At least it used to. We got 2turnt and linked up with a bachelorette party complete with women dressed in [only] corsets and one equipped with a WHIP which they were not afraid to use.

ciroc girlz in tha buildin

ciroc girlz in tha buildin

#twerkteam of one

#twerkteam of one


It was a great summer filled with lots of weird shit and good times. Turn down for WAT!?

ImageUntil next time, play on playaz.

Spring in Buffalo (…Where Are You?)

1 Apr

In case you are all living under a rock and didn’t get the announcement, I’ve made the long and tedious drive from Philly to Buffalo for an indefinite period of time. Usually my trips are short and sweet, as I usually have some sort of commitment to hurry back to – whether it’s school or work or celebrationz. Well, for the first time since…winter break 2010 (god damn), I will be settled in the motherland for more than a week consecutively. Mixed feelings about this, considering it has only been six days and I’m already jonesing for a getaway from O’Hara’s Oasis, currently feeling a tad imprisoned as my car (getaway vehicle) is in the shop nearly totaled (black ice incident in PA, my father currently calls me “Crash”), but I do have to admit it’s been nice to see the fam and friendz (or lack thereof) for more than just a day or two at a time.


it pains me to look at this #savethevibe

I arrived on Tuesday night, just in time for Becca’s birthday celebrations (more commonly referred to as the night Bibble tried to kill all of her guests via keg poisoning) which was a riot. Good to see you, too, Patrick…

Wednesday I ventured to the fucking palace Frances is house sitting at (holy shit), and the two of us were greeted with LOTS OF SNOW when leaving the house to get food (why else would we leave the house doe?). And then I proceeded to spend over 24 hours in bed dying and watched hour after hour of Netflix (latest recommendations: Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Tiny Furniture, Zero Dark Thirty (…not on Netflix), and as always, Workaholics). When I finally rose from the dead on Friday, I spent some QT with ma brotha, returning home to over a dozen buffalo police and state troopers searching my yard and the rest of the neighborhood for a fugitive that I was really hiding in my basement.


he found my stash

Thank the lord that my sister was arriving that night to save me from the wrath and constant questioning of my parents; that girl is a life saver…and then I actually (miraculously) managed to stay out past 2am. The rest of the weekend was full of boozy brunch and awkward family functions, until Easter dinner with the McGuire’s, which consisted of lots of wine and really good food and, per usual, #momhatersclub. And the Sabres blowing a 3-1 lead at home but we won’t mention that…


hi martha

Party animals that we are, we donned our Sunday (Saturday?) best (read: sweatpants and slippers) and journeyed one long block away to the bar where we so enthusiastically rang in Easter Sunday with smiles on our faces and tummies full of booze.


lookin good feelin good 2013 #babs

Easter Sunday included a five hour long brunch with my neighborhood fam, which was more realistically an intervention to get me to move home and get a real job. So fun, loved every minute of it. But I DID get an Easter basket with lots of Cadbury Eggs (my fav), drowned my sorrows in mimosas, and then won $6 on $10 worth of scratch-off lottery tix.

Unfortunately, my sister has abandoned me and now I’m alone again with my parents so I guess this is when I get my act in gear and apply for jobs and fix my resume and all that jazz. Hahahahahahahaha… If you need me I’ll be hiding under my covers watching Netflix or constantly checking my bank account for my tax refund. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE I’M GOING TO SEE MEEK MILL ON FRIDAY and in case you couldn’t tell I’m really fucking excited. If I can manage to get there, that is…

The Love of My Life

27 Feb

I am guilty of posting a bunch of really aggressive-sounding, depressing, well…bullshit recently. Sorry? Or sorry I’m not sorry. The bullshit won’t stop, but I could probably lighten up a little bit. My B. So for a change of pace I’m going to discuss with you, in complete seriousness, my love for avocados.


just look at all that beauty

My love for avocados probably originated from my love for my mother’s homemade guacamole. Every time she would make a batch, usually as an after school snack for me, it would last no more than ten minutes. I soon realized I could concoct a guacamole recipe that was far more delicious and ten times easier than hers myself, so I started having her buy avocados from the store more frequently to play around with.

Obviously, whenever I get Mexican food of any sort, guac is the star of the show. I am particularly fond of Chipotle’s guacamole, probably because it’s so damn simple. The problem with my mom’s guacamole was that she added too many ingredients (sour cream? salsa? who does that!?) that covered up the taste of the avocado itself. Like Chipotle, I like to keep it simple with my recipe, which is of course centered around the green goddess herself. Lime juice (even lemon will do), onion, maybe tomato, cilantro. Bam. The best guac this side of the Mexican border.

So guacamole, you either love it or you hate it. It’s not the most aesthetically pleasing of dishes, which may scare some people away, but I for one will leave none left behind. Ever. Guac is kind of the gateway drug for avocado users, whereas I have escalated to the level of full blown junkie-for-the-hard-stuff-gimme-an-avocado-and-a-fork kind of user. Seriously, give me a syringe with liquid avocado, I’m game. Once you learn to appreciate the taste of the avocado by itself, it’s flavor will stand out in more dishes: whether it’s in sushi (even though I love all sushi, a simple avocado roll is one of my favorites), in a salad, on top of eggs, or snuck into your burrito, you will be able to tackle the fruit (fruit? WTF) by itself.



Some of my favorite ways to eat avocado are: plain, and on toast. Literally cut up an avocado into pieces with a little salt and pepper on top and you have yourself a fine meal. In the past, people have criticized avocados for being “unhealthy” and “fatty,” but areyouforreal?! These suckers are now considered a superfood. Yup, a superfood. Sure they contain a ton of fat, but those fats are now considered “healthy fats.” They are good for your complexion and are known for “belly burning” and for just being fucking delicious. Toast a lil whole grain bread, mash some avo, add a lil dash of Frank’s Red Hot (deserves its own post entirely), some S&P, and I am happy as a clam. Literally never gets old.

photocred to frances. shit looks bangin'

photo cred to frances. shit looks bangin’

I have two avocados in my fridge right now (this is rare, they are usually gone a few hours after being purchased), so I’m gonna go make me some avo toast. No betta way to start the day. Get in my belly.



I’ve Got the (Baby) Blues

26 Feb

Frances and I are clearly both suffering from the post-grad blues. We are most definitely not alone though, as every article I come across on Thought Catalog is another depressing story about life in your 20s. Have you ever noticed all of these articles are about why being in your 20s sucks, and none of them are ever like, “Hey, it gets better! There is a light at the end of the tunnel! Your late 20s will be bomb! Here’s how to get out of that post-grad slump (also known as the rest of your life)!” I mean, I am the ultimate pessimist, I won’t even try to hide the fact that a positive thought rarely crosses my mind, but the Internet and my favorite time-killing websites could be a little more upbeat when it comes to this subject. I mean, we’re talking about my life here, and you’re acting like all this bullshit won’t make me want to jump off the Ben Franklin Bridge.

Anyways, I went through a period of about three months where Frances’ post from last week described me to a tee. But now, I have developed post-grad blues of a different variety. But only slightly. I like to think I’ve grown into this stage of blues, but in all reality it is equally as shitty and depressing as it was a few months ago. The ihaveajobkindofbarelylifesucks blues. Or, the Baby Blues. I say “Baby” like it’s a lesser form of the full blown Post-Grad Blues (can we start counting how many times I say “Post-Grad Blues?” …I hate myself), but in reality it is only lesser in the amount of time I have available to pity myself.


you’re all invited to my pity party. BYOpintoficecream

If you don’t know this or haven’t figured it out by now, I am not exactly making the most out of my college degree. Being a Food Marketing major, I had dozens of opportunities to apply for jobs, interviews, internships, blah blah blah. Literally 99% of my classmates had jobs lined up for after graduation…while I kind of just stood there and watched everyone rush by me and leave me in their dust. It’s not that I don’t care. I care about having a job. I care about working, supporting myself, being independent, having a purpose. But at the same time, what’s the rush? Chances are, I will be working behind a desk in an office for the rest of my life. That’s a long ass time (hopefully?). What difference will a couple of months make?

In a bizarre turn of events, I too became one of those students who had a job lined up for after graduation. Who, me? Yeah, this girl. It kind of fell into my lap, it was kind of perfect, and I kind of got screwed over royally. That little sneak peak of 9-5 life was good for the two months it lasted, but when I got fucked over in the end, I realized I didn’t want to be a slave to the cubicle. Not yet at least.

So I spent a couple months (in the summer, thank gawd – could you imagine being this depressed in the winter!? LOL yup.) wallowing in self pity. All-gray outfits were the standard, I usually didn’t leave my apartment (that I could not pay for) for days at a time. I couldn’t afford to eat. I’m pretty sure there was a period of about two weeks where I didn’t once put on makeup, showers were extremely rare. Sigh.

It wasn’t like I had an “AHA!” moment that made me get out of bed, I just got bored. I wasn’t ready to go back on my school’s Career Services website (although I did), so one day I just said “fuck it” and applied for average jobs in my neighborhood. Retail, service, the works. I just walked around the city and schmoozed my resume into their hands. The day after my 22nd birthday, I got a job at a cafe a few blocks from my house. This was in the end of August. I am still working here, 40-50 hours a week, scaring off customers with how much I complain about my shitty existence to them, but I am content. And for that very reason, I have made no effort whatsoever to find a “real” job in my field. I’m paying the bills, I can finally afford to eat again (kind of), I’m busy (I don’t know what to do with myself on days off). But I still don’t have a social life, I still don’t leave bed on days when I don’t have to be at work (when I get home from work I get right into my bed), and the highlight of my week is usually hanging out with my current best friend who may or may not be ten months old.


hello this is me throwing up in the bathroom at work last week because I can’t afford a day off

So yeah, I’ve got the blues. The main difference between mine and Frances’ is that I no longer live with my parents. In fact, even when I couldn’t afford to pay rent, I never move home. I mean, I got really really lucky that I never had to wave the white flag and pack up and shuffle off to Buffalo, but the thought barely even crossed my mind. I was not, I could not move in with my parents. That was just not an option. Not that Frances has it that bad. Think of how much money I would have if I didn’t have to pay rent or buy groceries. I’d have like, a hundred dollars in my bank account right now! But post-grad life is still depressing as fuck. I’m sure if you DO have a “real” job your life is still depressing as fuck. We can’t seem to escape it. I wish I could tell you it will all be over soon, that in retrospect this part of your life won’t even seem like a little hiccup, but according to the rest of the world (okay, maybe just Thought Catalog and other blogs I creep on), that’s not very likely. We are all doomed and will continue to wallow in self-pity in a sea of blankets eating a tub of ice cream (is that just me?) until we decide to get off our asses and do something about it. Effort, that’s all it takes. I’m just not willing to make that effort. Sue me.


best buds 4 lyfe

‘Tis The Season

14 Dec

…for pointless ramblings. You’re welcome for helping you procrastinate from your ohmygodmylifeisoverihatethelibrary finals and ihaventsleptindaysomgadderallomg final projects. We all know procrastination is the name of the game this time of year…don’t you remember College ACB? Or am I already turning into an old geyser? That jawn flourished during finals week. And then when it was time for winter break….BOOM. Ignored. Fell off the face of the earth completely.


Because you can no longer escape the “holiday season” virtually anywhere else on the internet right now, why should we spare you here? In the spirit of Hanukkah (happy sixth night!) and with Christmas rapidly approaching, I have decided to take the easy way out and repost an old (but totally klassik) blog entry I wrote last year…way back when I had my own blog (sorry Frances!) and was still in college and had four weeks off from school and was going to Europe for ten days. So, pretty much the complete opposite of this year, but who doesn’t love reminiscing, amirite?! Here ya go. All of you dedicated Notorious Groupies that are still in college can relate to my wordz from the past, and I can cry myself to sleep (or lack thereof) tonight thinking about how miserable this holiday season is going to be for me. Bah Humbug is/was such a fitting title.

…At least I still have eggnog to look forward to? Maybe?

I was on the verge of posting a cliche Holiday Gift Guide (for others of course) or a “Buy Me This for Christmas” list (for me of course…so, so tempting) but I’m sick of looking at that shit myself so you can thank me later.


(consider this my Christmas wishlist)

In other news, plans have changed and I will be gracing the Queen City with my presence for Christmas after all…for a grand total of 72 hours…and I expect to cram as much Buffalo debauchery into those three days as humanly possible. Pencil me in, boiiz.

Sidenote: Why did they ever stop doing lights in the park? Christmas lights…in Delaware Park…anyone? Anyone? That was my shit.

Also, why hasn’t a decent rapper come out with a Christmas album recently? Is that like HipHop suicide? Y’all know I can fux with some up to date hood carols or a Jingle Bells remix. Which man of my dreams will step up to the plate!? I’m waiting.


one of the best pictures of all time…Happy Holidays!


2 Dec
